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Team Overtime Elite Recap
by Andrew Force, Future150 (1:55 PM CT, Thu April 9, 2015)
Classic team work by a classic team
Classic team work by a classic team
Andrew Force
Andrew Force:

Future150 National Analyst. Covering High and Middle School basketball.

Houston, TX (Future150) -- Despite a fight to the finish Team Overtime Elite 15u lost the championship, 78-75.  Capturing the Future150 Main Event Houston title was XPRESS Sports out of Shreveport, Louisiana.

A physical XPRESS Sports Inc. (6-0) team hopped out to a 48-37 halftime lead.  Very few double digit comebacks occurred all weekend, so Overtime Elite's chances appeared dire. 

It took a 16-4 run over a six minute time span to pull Overtime Elite within three points.  Jaylen Walker nailed a three pointer to draw the game square, 64-64.

Transition offense was deadly for XPRESS Sports though.  They pushed their men up the sidelines with astounding pace.  And Frederick Lemons and Frederick Davis Jr. made driving lanes impenetrable.

Late scores from Xavier Beasley and Micah Baskerville clinched it for XPRESS Sports.  Team Overtime Elite (5-1) left without doubts, merely hope for April.

Beasley finished with 27 points to lead all scorers.  Davis Jr. had a strong second half at both ends.  His defense was daunting and he dumped in 9 points after the break.

For Team Overtime Elite, Walker contributed 25 points while Matt Garriga managed 12.  Donovan Parham gave 11 points to the cause.

What a weekend

Five of the Team Overtime Elite players compete for Allen High School in Allen, Texas.  The parents projected a supportive, yet polite air to all of their games.  Complaints to referees were sparse.  What is not to like?

At this early point in the AAU season teams often appear disjointed.  That was not the case with Team Overtime Elite.  The players trusted each other.  The ball movement was swift, unselfish.  Coach Marlon Esteves Sr. is implementing more advanced offensive concepts than most 15u teams. 

With his fluid shooting motion, Walker earned his way into the Future150.  He now ranks #113 in the nation amongst Class of 2018 players.  Another velvety wing shooter to look out for with the same game and nearby name is Jalen Johnson (LA). 

Even though Walker earned a spotlight this week, winning attracts eyeballs.  The whole point of AAU is to be seen by someone that can change your future.  This squad will be playing late Sunday games all summer.  More eyeballs equals more opportunities.


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