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Trey Dickerson

Los Angeles, CA - 2013

SchoolPrice PositionPoint Guard Height6’1” Weight170 lbs. AAU TeamTexas PRO HometownLos Angeles, CA Class2013
State Rank#16
Scouting Report
  • Strengths:

    Dickerson is extremely fast with the ball, and he is even more dangerous in transition. To this point, his ball-handling is his biggest attribute, but the shooting is progressing very nicely.

  • Weaknesses:

    With someone that plays as fast as Dickerson does, turnovers do happen. He needs to work on playing under control and limiting the turnovers. 

Complete Rankings:

  • Player Grade: 84 (3-Star)
  • Position Rank: 48
  • State Rank: 16

Skills Review:

  • Shooting: Average
  • Dribbling: Excellent
  • Passing: Excellent
  • Rebounding: Average
  • Intangibles: Good
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College Recruiting - Trey Dickerson
School: Interest: Visit: Offer: Status:
OaklandOakland Warmer
Washington StateWashington State Warm
SeattleSeattle Warm
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