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Ryan West

Desoto, TX - 2020

SchoolByrd Middle PositionShooting Guard Height5’9” Weight135 lbs. AAU TeamTexas Heat HometownDesoto, TX Class2020
Player Profile Report
Scouting Report


Changing Pace
Defensive Rebounding
Finishing Through Contact
Slashing Ability
Upper Body Strength
Ability To Create Plays
Feel For The Game


3pt Shooting
Elite Ball-Handling Skills
Offensive Rebounding
Off-The-Dribble Shooting
Scoring With Either Hand

  • Scout’s Notes:

    Dallas Underclassmen Camp (February 28-March 1): A vocal, versatile player, West provides his coach with a number of tangible skills.  He rebounds aggressively on both ends.  West is strong for his age and can run all day.  He penetrates with authority and could add court vision to his expanding repetoire. -AForce

College Projection:

  • Unknown

Complete Rankings:

  • This player is not currently ranked

Skills Review:

  • Shooting: Average
  • Dribbling: Good
  • Passing: Average
  • Rebounding: Good
  • Intangibles: Good
Similar Shooting Guards
  • This player is not currently ranked, so similar players aren't available.
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