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Future150 Dallas Underclassmen: Top 40 All-Stars
by Andrew Force, Future150 (1:47 AM CT, Mon March 16, 2015)
Future150 Underclassmen Camp Dallas Top 40 All Stars.
Future150 Underclassmen Camp Dallas Top 40 All Stars.
Andrew Force
Andrew Force:

Future150 National Analyst. Covering High and Middle School basketball.

Duncanville, TX (Future150) -- The 2015 Future150 Dallas Underclassmen Camp Top 40 All-Star game was a spirited conclusion to the weekend.  It came down to a final half court miss.  In the final hour of a long weekend a number of prospects jumped off the page.

Ryan West, 2020 SG, Desoto (TX): A vocal, versatile player, West provides his coach with a number of tangible skills.  He rebounds aggressively on both ends.  West is strong for his age and can run all day.  He penetrates with authority and could add court vision to his expanding repertoire. 

Anthony Scott, 2020 PG, Waco (TX): Scott can handle the ball, but he also emerged as a wonderful roadblock.  Like West, Scott is a frightfully committed defender.  He was the best perimeter defender at the camp.  Much of the credit goes to his tenacious pursuit of the ball.  He visibly craves possession of the attacker's basketball.  In the All-Star game his and West's contributions defensively unequivocally won the game.

Jackson Kimble, 2018 PF, Southlake (TX): Kimble was the biggest young man to compete Saturday/Sunday.  This must be said because size is an enormous advantage in basketball.  Kimble balanced the grunt work of posting up with his finesse game.  He can knock down the baseline jumper out to ten feet. 

Mason Dukes, 2018 SG, Frisco (TX): The best play of Dukes' weekend was a monster block midway through the Top-40 game.  He showed surprisingly swift feet and a devotion to protecting the tin.  Offensively, Dukes feels comfortable with the 15-18' shot.  He provides better scoring off the catch.  Dukes played out of position, essentially as a power forward much of the weekend, for the benefit of his team.  He rebounds well and under the basket he works hard. 

Jacob Giunta, 2019 SF, Keller (TX): It is difficult to predict with any accuracy what position Giunta will ultimately play.  He has a really nice outside shot with range to 18'.  Further, Giunta can operate on the low blocks with slick footwork.  He rebounds and defends almost every position except PG.  On top of all this Giunta works hard for his teammates and never complains. 

Ralin Brown, 2019 PG, Waco (TX): Brown did really well when the clutter of 10 men was eliminated.  Shooting and worming his way through the mud are top skills.  Brown can get around most defenders with his dribble and slippery agility.  Flaming pockets of production make Brown a streaky and exciting player.

Jared Redmond, 2018 PG, Murphy (TX): An undersized guard, Redmond can create off the dribble or hit the mid-range jumper.  He is also reliable from the free throw line.  Double teams can rattle him.  Redmond takes instruction well and swiftly implements it into his game.  Exceedingly coachable.

Armondo Griffin, 2019 PG, Dallas (TX): Griffin is a cheery player.  He has a playful spirit that keeps his teammates positive in tense moments.  Still the killer instinct lives just below his genial surface.  Griffin demurs from contact at this point in his development.  Two strengths of Griffin are a high motor and an unending devotion to refining his skill set.

Monroe Darragh-Harris, 2019 SG, Oklahoma City (OK): This was an exciting week for Harris.  He has an exceptional handle, making him impossible to defend.  He slashes well, but needs to score in traffic better.  Darragh-Harris handles confidently.  The lefty should establish more vocal dominance over his peers though.

Daniss Jenkins, 2019 PG, Glenn Heights (TX): There were not three better outside shooters in attendance this weekend than Daniss Jenkins.  Left alone he converts at a startling rate.  He will need to improve when challenged, but the shot mechanics are pure.  Jenkins never gets rebounds, so he will have to rely upon teammates to set him up.

Brian Swain Jr., 2018 PG, Oklahoma City (OK): Dribbling moves by Swain Jr. are creative and difficult to predict.  He needs to lift his head while he dribbles, so his court vision will open up to more passing options.  Mid-range jumpers are consistently buried by Brian.

Nikolas Williams, 2019 PG, Oklahoma City (OK): Williams can handle the ball and run an offense.  His shooting percentage drops when a dribble precedes the offering.  Williams earned his way into the All-Star Game with technical drill work.

Wade Taylor, 2021 PG, Duncanville (TX): The youngest player at the camp saved the best for last.  Taylor finished third in All-Star Game MVP voting after knocking down several second half bombs.  His high-arcing shot looks hopeful when in fact it is deadly. 

Chase Robinson, 2019 PG, Matteson (IL): Robinson is a dynamic offensive player.  He has a strong chest and confidently attacks the tin. At this level it is hard for defenders to keep him away from the basket.  He could get better rebounding offensively.  The leaping ability and power are there. 

Salathiel Woodley, 2019 PG, Edmond (OK): Big, dangerous on the ball.  Woodley can hit anything out to 15'.  He would double his offensive options if he improved the left hand dribble.  Right now he primarily attacks to his right.  Scoring off the dribble is a strength, but he needs to open up the spectrum.

Nicholas Ramirez, 2018 PG, Belton (TX): A lockdown on-ball defender who also creates for others.  Ramirez has camped with us for years and the improvement is apparent.  Perhaps the greatest growth has been in his confidence.  He knows how to play basketball and loves to drive and dish.  Ramirez feeds the post well and hits the open three-pointer.

Moses Moody, 2020 SG, Little Rock (AR): A slasher by trade, Moody can really grow into a broadly skilled lead guard.  The Arkansas-native has a wonderful feel for the game.  Unlike most talented players he is a willing passer.  If anything Moody could be a touch more selfish.

Tristan Starks, 2019 SG, Grand Prairie (TX): Starks is a big-bodied guard.  He contributes on the offensive glass.  The handle needs to improve for his offensive game to be more threatening.  Starks is good half court player and excelled in the four-on-four.

Cole Williams, 2019 SG, Dallas (TX): Williams was perhaps the second best scorer of the weekend.  Limited touches limited his dominance in the All-Star Game.  Still Williams attacks with pride.  He is very determined to get around his defender and mentally runs through many options before finding the correct avenue to the basket.  Williams had a great weekend.

Top 40 Game Rankings

  1. Ryan West (MVP)
  2. Cole Williams
  3. Jackson Kimble
  4. Salaethiel Woodley
  5. Jacob Giunta
  6. Anthony Scott
  7. Chase Robinson
  8. Moses Moody
  9. Monroe Darragh-Harris
  10. Ralin Brown
  11. Daniss Jenkins
  12. Jared Redmond
  13. Nicholas Ramirez
  14. Wade Taylor
  15. Tristan Starks
  16. Brian Swain Jr.
  17. Armondo Griffin
  18. Rakeim Gary
  19. Mason Dukes
  20. Nikolas Williams


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