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Morris Udeze

Houston, TX - 2017

SchoolTravis PositionPower Forward Height6’9” Weight225 lbs. AAU TeamUrban Kings HometownHouston, TX Class2017
Player Profile Report
Scouting Report


Defensive Rebounding
Finishing Through Contact
Help-Side Defense
High Motor
Making Correct Passes
Shot Blocking
Size For Position
Upper Body Strength


Elite Ball-Handling Skills
Lateral Quickness
Mid-Range Shooting
Offensive Rebounding
Off-The-Dribble Shooting
Playing Above The Rim
Scoring With Either Hand
Playing Without The Ball

  • Scout’s Notes:

    Future150 Houston Camp (August 22-23, 2015): The 6-foot-9 forward has decent strength.  Udeze is a big-bodied post player.  He has the same tools as Sedee Keita, but Udeze is a little younger.  Udeze appears to be a frontcourt player with no aspirations to operate on the wing.  His defensive rebounding is special.  Offensively, he is still a little raw.  But if you lean on his effort and defense you already have a good player. -Andrew Force

College Projection:

  • Low-Major

Complete Rankings:

  • This player is not currently ranked

Skills Review:

  • Shooting: Average
  • Dribbling: Average
  • Passing: Average
  • Rebounding: Good
  • Intangibles: Average
Similar Power Forwards
  • This player is not currently ranked, so similar players aren't available.
Latest News on Morris Udeze
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8/28/2015 by Andrew Force – Powerful players from three different age groups joined in the Future150 Camp Houston All-Star Game.

