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Dane Kuiper

Tempe, AK - 2015

SchoolCarona Del Sol PositionSmall Forward Height6’6” Weight190 lbs. HometownTempe, AK Class2015
State Rank#1
Scouting Report

College Projection:

  • Unknown

Complete Rankings:

  • Player Grade: 82 (3-Star)
  • Position Rank: 31
  • State Rank: 1
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College Recruiting - Dane Kuiper
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Latest News on Dane Kuiper
2015 SF Dane KuiperFuture150 State Prospect Rankings - Alaska

3/07/2013 by Frank Woodford – Future150 examines the beautiful state of Alaska and ranks the state's best basketball talent. Headlined by 2015 SF Dane Kuiper from Wasilla High School.

