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Caleb Jordan

Cedar Hill, TX - 2018

SchoolMidlothian PositionPoint Guard Height5’10” Weight145 lbs. AAU TeamX-Elite HometownCedar Hill, TX Class2018
Player Profile Report
Scouting Report


Changing Pace
Help-Side Defense
High Motor
Leadership Skills
On-Ball Defense
Ability To Create Plays
Feel For The Game
Half-Court Vision
Transition Vision


3pt Shooting
Elite Ball-Handling Skills
Fundamentally Sound
Off-The-Dribble Shooting
Scoring On All Three Levels
Upper Body Strength
Vocal / Floor General
High Basketball IQ

  • Scout’s Notes:

    Jordan is a quick point guard who showcased his superior vision throughout Dallas camp. He changes speeds very well and can get to the rim and finish. While he doesn't look to score first, he is in fact a capable scorer.

College Projection:

  • College Prospect

Complete Rankings:

  • This player is not currently ranked

Skills Review:

  • Shooting: Average
  • Dribbling: Excellent
  • Passing: Good
  • Rebounding: Average
  • Intangibles: Average
Similar Point Guards
  • This player is not currently ranked, so similar players aren't available.
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