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Quade Green Reeling In Offers VIP
by Andrew Force, Future150 (7:39 PM CT, Wed April 15, 2015)
Green seeing love after a big performance.
Green seeing love after a big performance.
Andrew Force
Andrew Force:

Future150 National Analyst. Covering High and Middle School basketball.

Philadelphia, PA (Future150) -- For Mother Nature April is a month of rebirth.  For basketball youngsters April represents an outpouring of attention where once merely a winter chill existed. 

College coaches hit the road in earnest and evaluate the blossoming athletes.  Saturday class of 2017 point guard, Quade Green, earned the beaming glow of the seasonal sun. 

Immediate reviews of Green included "best guard at UnderArmour" and "the best point guard we've seen" along with Green "does whatever he wants."

Competing in UnderArmour's first featured event of the season, the Philly talent scored 14.5 ppg with 3.2 apg.

"He had a great weekend," said AAU teammate Kodye Pugh.  "His shot was popping.  Being able to make a move, and get his shot off."

A high volume scorer, Pugh succeeds off passes from Green, so he personally sees the benefits of playing with a great guard.

"He can look for other players or get his own shot," said Pugh.  "He had a great weekend scoring the ball.  Strapped up on defense too."

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