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Jr. Future150 All-Star Sunday Recap
by Garrett Tucker, Future150 (2:52 PM CT, Tue August 14, 2012)
Jr Future150 Nashville Top 20
Jr Future150 Nashville Top 20
Garrett Tucker
Garrett Tucker:

Future150 Southeast Analyst. Covering high school basketball across the Southeast.

Nashville, TN (Future150) -- With the All-Star games on tap for Sunday, several players came to play and stood out amongst the rest. In great competition for the Top 20 and Top 40 game, here are some players that stood out the most.

Deion Dobbins (2017 SF): Dobbins was one of the more attractive players of the camp. He has a scorer’s mentality, as he has the ability to score the ball at all three levels. His biggest strength right now is driving to the basket. His length and body is also another positive. But the biggest thing that sticks out about Deion is his hustle.

Jacob Smith (2017 SG): Smith is an elite ball-handler right now. He has all the makings of a scoring combo guard. He showed a nice shot from the three-point line, but he also drove the lane several times a game. Smith is smooth in everything he does right now.

Justin Thomas (2017 PF): Thomas has a great body right now, especially for a youngster. With his great size, he took advantage of many players in the post. He has one post move down to perfection and is reliable with his right hand. He also rebounds well. A mid-range shot is also developing.

Jordan Harris (2016 SG): Harris may have been the best overall player at the camp, and he showed it. Whenever his team needed a basket, Harris found ways to make it happen. He is a great shooter from the three-point line, but he also can put the ball on the floor and get in the lane. He is extremely creative and will only continue to improve.

James Babb (2017 PF): Babb does so many things well, but right now, his hustling ability and dirty work trumps any skill. He plays extremely hard at all times, and his strength is unmatchable for players his age. He rebounds the ball extremely well, especially on the offensive boards. Babb is also very versatile and can play at several spots on the court. He is very comparable to Kevin Love.

Kel Stotts (2017 SG): Stotts understands the game very well right now, especially from a defensive stand-point. Throughout the camp, he was one of very few players to draw charges in live game-play. He also is a gifted player on offense. He has a great shooting touch, but he can also drive and finish at the rim.

Omar Lyons (2017 SG): Lyons has a great body for a guard right now, and that should only continue in the future. He shoots it very well behind the three-point line, and he knows the game well. He also can handle the ball very nicely, giving him a nice combo guard look.

Braxton Wright (2016 PG): Wright is extremely fast with the ball in the open-court and can make plays happen. He can get to the rim with ease with his great first step and speed. He also shoots the ball well and can score at all three levels.

Juanya’ Buckhalter (2017 PG): Buckhlater has the potential to be a great young point guard. He makes the right pass every time, and he knows how to use his teammates on offense. He is a talented passer and a great shooter, but despite his great offensive arsenal, his defensive pressure may be the most impressive. He used his speed and quickness to pressure the ball each possession.

Trey Clemmons (2016 SF): Clemmons is extremely athletic, and, along with his long body, he made huge impacts on the game. He blocked several shots a game. He runs the floor very well. He also showed the ability to handle the basketball, as he rebounded the ball and took it coast-to-coast for easy lay-ups on the other in. This kid is definitely one to keep an eye on.

Bradley McCurdy (2016 SG): McCurdy showed off some great shooting performances all weekend, earning his spot in the Top 40 game. He is an extremely talented shooter and his range will only extend with his age. A crafty player, McCurdy used different ways to get open on the offensive end.

Alondras Strong (2017 PG): Strong was another talented point guard not only during the all-star game, but throughout the entire camp, too. He scored constantly and made a huge impact on the game. He has the ability to score at all three levels, but he showed some nice shooting. He also commanded his team very well and distributed the basketball.

Camren Taylor (2017 SF): Taylor was another intriguing youngster over the weekend. At 6-foot-2 already, he has the makings of a great wing player. He drove the ball and got in the lane exceptionally well, including easy finishes at the rim. He has great length for his age, but Taylor’s greatest asset right now is his nice frame. He is strong and weighs more than the typical middle-school athlete.

Tracy Burnett (2016 SF): Burnett has the chance to be one of the best players in his class. At 6-foot-3 and 190-pounds, he already has a college-type body. He is extremely long and athletic and makes plays on the court. He drives to the goal with ease and can finish with contact. He also has great handles.

Coulter Dotson (2017 PF): Dotson was very impressive in the all-star game festivities. With his versatility and size, he made opposing players look silly. His handles and quickness made him a tough matchup for bigger post players, but he also challenged the big boys down low. The 6-foot-4 forward converted with several post moves for easy baskets

Cade Crosland- (2016-SG) Crosland is a solid player who does a little bit of everything the right way.  He is a solid defender and a good rebounder on the defensive end.  He is more of a slasher who likes to get all the way to the rim and finish.  Definitely plays hard and has the right mental approach to the game always making the right play.  Tons of updside.


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