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Future150 Underclassmen Camp Houston: Top 40 Game
by Andrew Force, Future150 (12:40 AM CT, Wed October 21, 2015)
2020 PG Benjamin Chrapliwy and Christian Rodriguez.
2020 PG Benjamin Chrapliwy and Christian Rodriguez.
Andrew Force
Andrew Force:

Future150 National Analyst. Covering High and Middle School basketball.

Humble, TX (Future150) -- Unlike the Top 20 Game, the Top 40 participants embraced the physical side of the game.  Forwards like Trey Witcher, Imari Cartwright, and Jadon Routt battled beneath the tin.  

Rebounds were tough to wrangle.  Only a sprinkling of the Top 40 players were great outside shooters, so this contest included frequent slashes.  The best shooter in the camp was the enigmatic, Emareyon McDonald.

Here are the Top 40 All-Star Game participants:

2021 Emareyon McDonald, Coushatta (Louisiana):  His shooting touch is uncanny.  He should make 5+ triples per game.  The mechanics are bizarre, but you can't argue the results.  Fantastic.

2021 Zackary Semmler, Little Rock (Arkansas): An accomplished shooter, Semmler was reliable from deep.  His skills are nice.  Like McDonald he adeptly roves around the arc.  The major hangup for Zackary is going to be his size.  Basketball is a game played by giants.  Semmler needs to get closer to six feet to achieve his dreams.  

2020 C James Hester Jr., Pfluegerville (Texas): A mobile big, Hester Jr. worked on his face-up game with Future150 staff.  If post play is in his future, then more footwork drills are in order.  His aggression and agility make him a nice prospect.

2020 PG Jeremiah Cook, Baton Rouge (Louisiana):  Incredible defensive instincts.  Cook puts his body in the way and slides his feet very well.  He doesn't have any wasted motion in his game.  If anything he could add a little more movement off the ball.  But he gets it.  Great lateral mobility. Amazing defensive stance and technique.  He can hit outside shots easily.  

2020 PF Trey Witcher, San Antonio (Texas): Witcher showed off some mid-range skills.  He has fantastic shooting ability.  Though he lists himself as a power forward he projects as big-bodied wing.  Witcher's tenacity sets him apart from other Class of 2020 competitors.  When everything else is equal hunger to work makes the difference.  Witcher will make coaches play him because he fights. 

2020 PG Christian Nava, San Antonio (Texas):  Quick, shifty point guard.  Nava is a good-natured leader that enjoys setting up his teammates.  At 5-foot-1 Nava will forever compete as an undersized point man, but his court vision and poise suggest he can play varsity high school basketball.  Maybe more.

2019 PG Zarious Lewis, Clarence (Louisiana):  Lewis is an undersized point guard.  He learned a lot at camp.  His court vision was good coming in, but it got better during camp.  He projects as a pass-first point guard.  He will just get better as his confidence improves. Also, he needs to be vocal with his leadership.

2020 SF Jaylen McDonald, Coushatta, (Louisiana):  While the ball was dominated by the guards, McDonald dominated the glass. Spry in everything he did, McDonald attacked the glass at both ends.  He sets solid screens and displayed decent touch around the basket.  He should be growing a bit more.  His upper body strength is good for his age.  Good balance.  Outside shooting is an area he can broaden his game.

2020 PG Benjamin Chrapliwy, Cypress (Texas): One of the better shooters at the camp, Chrapliwy can play either guard spot.  Though he was one of the youngest and smallest players at the camp, Benjamin scored in bunches.  His future will be dictated by his size, not restricted by any skill deficiencies.

2019 PF Jadon Routt, Fresno (Texas): Jadon is a fantastic young man.  He doesn't take himself too seriously, but works very hard and listens to instructions.  Routt has some glaring weaknesses like outside shooting.  He holds his own on the low blocks.  Unless he grows quite a bit Routt will be a combo forward in college.  This means he needs to work hard on his handles and perimeter defense.  At the high school level he is fine playing SF-C.

2019 CG Kameron Ladia, Port Arthur (Texas):  Ladia has pretty good feet.  He needs to learn a lot about floor spacing and court vision.  He is raw, but athletic.  Ladia won the 4-on-4 Championship. With his quickness and strength Ladia might be a good find.  His basketball I.Q. needs a lot of work.  When he develops better instincts the whole package will come together.  

2019 PG EJ Padgett, Spring (Texas): For one of the top point guards in camp, Padgett is also a touch undersized.  Listed 5-foot-8 EJ will perpetually battle those concerns.  Still he scores in bunches.  Padgett loves to inject floaters into the game.  He has quick feet and gets into the lane often.  When he does pull-ups are out of the question.  Float On!

2020 PG Omar Smart, Round Rock (Texas):     The crafty point guard makes all the correct passes.  He sees the floor pretty well.  Smart can hit the mid-range.  Outside shooting needs to improve.  Smart is very active and you frequently see him around the basketball.  He competes every game.  

2019 SF Imari Cartwright, Spring (Texas):      As a big-bodied forward, Cartwright is a plus rebounder.  Teammates love playing with the unselfish, burly young man.  His defensive rebounding is ok.  

2019 PG Toron Mingo, Houston (Texas): Mingo was dazzling with the basketball.  He is a good floor leader with exceptional insincts in the halfcourt.  

2020 PF Kyle Schaefer, San Antonio (Texas): The 6-foot-0 shooter has a beautiful stroke.  He moves well without the ball.  If left open, Schaefer can knock down the triple.  Defensive rebounding is ok.  He has to improve his athleticism and strength. 

2019 PF Alex McDougall, Pearland (Texas):  Awkward.  Terrible coordination.  He moves like he just moved into this new body and is still figuring it out.  Horrible touch around the rim.  Meek, but eager.  Odd duck. 

2019 SF Mason Mathers, Katy (Texas):  Mason is improving his strength in mid-air.  He will eventually be great at finishing with contact.  His strengths are length and agility.  He has really good feet for his size, especially considering he is not done growing.  Mathers is young, but looks like a D1 player in the making.

2019 SF Gakerreon McDonald, Coushatta (Louisiana):  McDonald is a Floater Expert.    He did not shoot well from outside the arc.  He will have to improve his shooting range to stick as a wing.  McDonald has good upper body strength.  He plays more like a forward than a wing, at this stage.  Defensively he is much more comfortable on the low blocks, where he competes well.  Really, really bad shooting touch.  Great strength.  Terrible lateral mobility.   Looks like a center caught out on perimeter.  Desperate and woeful. 

2021 SG Brandon Campbell, Richmond (Texas):  Brandon never met a shot he didn't like.  Campbell is a volume shooter who projects as a volume scorer.  Good handle.  Campbell needs to add some size to his frame.  As long as he gets to 5-foot-9 or 5-foot-10 he will have a good chance at college basketball.  The level is obviously still very much in flux.  Overall Campbell showed and advanced skill set. 

2019 PF Connor Bedrich, Cypress (TX):  Connor has great balance.  He looks like a basketball player, both in build and makeup.  His game is very steady and efficient.   Bedrich runs the floor very well.  His mental game is strong.  You can tell he makes many basketball calculations rapidly.  

2019 SF Cameron Bell, Austin (TX): When the most skilled players are also the most active the team is in great shape.  Bell didn't let up all weekend.  He is going to give everything you ask for.  Like everyone in camp he needs to continue to develop his size and strength.

2019 PG Luis Rodriguez, The Colony (Texas): Rodriguez is a pass first point guard who loves breaking down defenses off the dribble.  He makes all the right passes and gets all of his teammates involved and controls the flow to the game.  Solid overall performance this weekend. In order for his game to go to the next level he has to get stronger.


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