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Jordan Varnado

Brownsville, TN - 2015

SchoolHaywood PositionSmall Forward Height6’6” Weight200 lbs. AAU TeamTeam Thad HometownBrownsville, TN Class2015
State Rank#7
Scouting Report


Defensive Rebounding
High Motor
High-Volume Scoring
Leadership Skills
Offensive Rebounding
Slashing Ability
Upper Body Strength
Feel For The Game


3pt Shooting
Elite Ball-Handling Skills
Mid-Range Shooting
Off-The-Dribble Shooting
Scoring On All Three Levels
Size For Position

College Projection:

  • High-Major

Complete Rankings:

  • Player Grade: 84 (3-Star)
  • Position Rank: 25
  • State Rank: 7

Skills Review:

  • Shooting: Average
  • Dribbling: Average
  • Passing: Average
  • Rebounding: Good
  • Intangibles: Average
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