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Tyler Dorsey Working On Lead Guard Game
by Brian Flinn, Future150 (9:13 AM CT, Thu January 9, 2014)
Is Tyler Dorsey the best point guard prospect out west?
Is Tyler Dorsey the best point guard prospect out west?
Brian Flinn
Brian Flinn:

Future150 National Recruiting Analyst. Covering high school basketball nationally.

Fort Myers, FL (Future150) -- When it comes to putting points on the board in the junior class, few are better than Tyler Dorsey. The St. John's Bosco (CA) guard is looking to expand his game though, and become more of a distributor.

"I'm working on being a point guard right now, I think I will have a better advantage at the next level as a point guard," the dynamic Dorsey said at City of Palms. 

On a talented Bosco team that features the likes of 2014 UConn commt Daniel Hamilton and 2016 SF Vance Jackson, there is little pressure on Dorsey to score instead of distribute. While he still has a clear knack for putting the ball in the basket, it is hard not to get excited by his ability to find teammates for easy baskets. 

At 6-foot-4, he has the size to play either guard position and can score from anywhere on the floor. During his time in Fort Myers, Dorsey showcased his ability to both score the ball and run the offense. 

As far as recruiting goes he named four schools that are really standing out to him at this point: Kansas, Duke, Arizona, and UCLA. Arizona has long been known as "Point Guard U" while Kansas has done well with players of Dorsey's caliber and skill set. UCLA would love to land him and he could potentially take over the reigns from Kyle Anderson, provided he doesn't leave for the NBA after this season. Duke has Dorsey's attention as well.

"They want me to come in and replace Tyus Jones," he said of the Blue Devils. 

Dorsey went on to say that ultimately his decision will come down to how the school plans on using him, their style of play, and the coaching staff. At this point it seems as though a decision is far away. He will have another chance to showcase his game at the Hoop Hall Classic in Springfield, Massachusetts in just a couple of weeks. 

Follow along with Future150 as we continue to track Dorsey and his transition to the point guard position. 


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