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Top Prospects Prepared to Commit
by Garrett Tucker, Future150 (1:07 PM CT, Wed October 30, 2013)
Kevon Looney will make his decision on Thursday.
Kevon Looney will make his decision on Thursday.
Garrett Tucker
Garrett Tucker:

Future150 Southeast Analyst. Covering high school basketball across the Southeast.

Nashville, TN (Future150) -- The next few days are going to be very busy on the recruiting trail, as several top 50 prospects are set to announce their college commitments.

In fact, right now, four players in the top 50 of the 2014 Future150 rankings are scheduled to make their announcements in the next two days.

Devin Robinson will get the ball rolling today with his choice between Florida and Indiana. He is the lone recruit that has scheduled to commit on Wednesday.

However, Thursday’s Halloween holiday will bring in more fire power with Kevon Looney, Devin Booker, and James Blackmon Jr. expected to tell their respective futures.

Looney will announce his commitment at 11 AM EST at a press conference at his school. Duke, Florida, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and UCLA are some of the schools involved.

Looney is ranked No. 3 overall.

Following Looney will arguably be the two best shooters in the senior class, Devin Booker and James Blackmon Jr.

Booker will choose from Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan, and Michigan State at 4 PM EST at his school.

We expect Kentucky to land the No. 18 overall player in the Future150 rankings.

ESPNU will host Blackmon Jr. for his decision at halftime of the Louisiana-Monroe-Troy game. The former Indiana commit will choose from Kentucky, Michigan, Michigan State, and the Hoosiers.

Kentucky is the heavy favorite and many expect Blackmon to continue the family legacy at UK.

These are the only scheduled commitments, but it is rumored that Trevon Blueitt is approaching a decision. Xavier and Michigan State are considered the leaders.

Trey Lyles could come to a conclusion soon, especially if his close friend James Blackmon Jr. decides to head to Lexington. Lyles is considering Kentucky and Louisville.

Michael Humphrey should have a decision sooner rather than later. Word from him could come by the weekend. We expect Stanford to win out for the big man, but Arizona is involved as well.


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