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The Johnsons Taking a Saturday Visit VIP
by Andrew Force, Future150 (12:54 PM CT, Sun October 18, 2015)
Johnson is a Future150 Alumnus
Johnson is a Future150 Alumnus
Andrew Force
Andrew Force:

Future150 National Analyst. Covering High and Middle School basketball.

Birmingham, AL (Future150) -- Former Future150 camper, Jamal Johnson (Future150 #42) will take an unofficial visit this weekend.  His younger brother, Trey Johnson is also accompanying him, as more than a sidekick.  He is also a recruiting target.

The elder Johnson has offers from Vanderbilt, UAB, Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Auburn, Florida, Texas Tech, Murray State, Arkansas, Texas A&M, Georgia, Wake Forest, and Alabama.

"Interest is shown from: Harvard, Kansas, LSU, Missouri, N.C. State, Stanford, and University of Virginia," emailed mother Felicia Johnson.

One of his suitors will get him on campus in the next 30 hours.

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