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The 10aC Top 20 Elite Showcase
by Eric Hampford, Future150 (10:35 AM CT, Wed March 20, 2013)
10aC Top 20 Elite Showcase
10aC Top 20 Elite Showcase
Eric Hampford
Eric Hampford:

Future150 GM / Senior National Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

Memphis, TN (Future150) -- If you are looking to see the best seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen in the state of Tennessee all in one gym, then you need to be in Memphis this Saturday, March 23rd. 

The 10aC Top 20 Elite Showcase will take place on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. at Southwest Tennessee Community College's Verties Sails Gym. 

Over 10 Future150 nationally ranked prospects will be taking part in the event, including the #1 prospect in the the country, White Station High School's Leron Black.

         Here are the official rosters for the stacked event...

SF Jalen Lindsey                                        SF Leron Black

SG Andrew Fleming                                   PF Shannon Hale

SG Matthew Butler                                     PG Nych Smith

PF Marcanvis Hymon                                 SG C.J. Anderson

PG Chris Chiozza                                       SF Dedric Lawson

PF Skal Labissiere                                     SG Marlon Hunter

SG Donte Fitzpatrick                                  C Sam Edwards

SG Josh Jones                                           SG Davell Roby

SF Reggie Upshaw                                    SG Khalil Spencer

SG Demetrius Dyson                                 SG A.J. Merriweather   

PF Fatodd Lewis                                        SF K.J. Lawson

PG Jonathan Stark                                     PG Jaylen Barford


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