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Recruitment Slowing for Myles Turner
by Garrett Tucker, Future150 (11:01 AM CT, Thu August 22, 2013)
Turner plans to have in-home visits with Duke, UK & Texas.
Turner plans to have in-home visits with Duke, UK & Texas.
Garrett Tucker
Garrett Tucker:

Future150 Southeast Analyst. Covering high school basketball across the Southeast.

Dallas, TX (Future150) -- Saying it has been a wild summer for 2014 Euless (Tex.) big man Myles Turner would be an understatement. From traveling all over the country for AAU and camps and fielding calls from college coaches, the rising senior hasn’t had much down time.

However, after the Elite 24 this weekend in Brooklyn, things may slow down some for the 6-foot-11 star.

“I have one official visit scheduled so far, and that is to Kansas on October 4th for their midnight madness,” Turner told “I haven’t really thought about visiting any others right now.”

Turner also plans to host Duke, Kentucky, and Texas for in-home visits soon, too. Other than that, he will take the opportunity to be a regular high school kid upon visiting Kansas.

Before cutting his list to Arizona, Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisville, Ohio State, Oklahoma State, and Texas, Turner had tons of other schools involved – sixty in fact. While it may sound wild, looking back on his summer, the versatile big man wouldn’t change anything.

“The whole process was really fun. It was really cool to know I was wanted by that many schools. It was really difficult narrowing things to eight schools.”

Despite being able to take things slow for a little bit, Turner plans to be proactive with his recruitment. How will he do such thing?


“I still need to keep looking into the schools I am looking at. I need to keep researching,” he noted.

“There are three important things when it comes to my recruitment. Of course, the first is education. I have really been looking into the psychology program. Secondly, I need to figure out how I fit in with the program. And then I want a good family-like structure, too.”

Turner has not tipped any leaders throughout the recruiting process and he continues not to do so. However, he can point out the schools that are pursuing the hardest.

“I would say the Big 12 as a whole is coming the hardest. Oklahoma State and Texas are really coming and staying in touch.”

Be sure to check out Turner, the No. 9 overall player in the 2014 class, this weekend at the Elite 24, along with several other top Future150 players.


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