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Programs Beginning to Keep Tabs on Bronx Native
by Brian Flinn, Future150 (11:41 AM CT, Mon December 7, 2015)
Lecque may have more upside than any 2018 New Yorker
Lecque may have more upside than any 2018 New Yorker
Brian Flinn
Brian Flinn:

Future150 National Recruiting Analyst. Covering high school basketball nationally.

Manhattan, NY (Future150) -- Legendary coach and commentator Al McGuire once said that the best thing about freshmen is that they become sophomores, and will the Hall of Famer was clearly talking about college players, the same sentiment can be used at the high school level. 

For Monsignor Scanlan's Jalen Lecque, that rings especially true. The 6-foot-1 combo-guard has just begun his sophomore season, and it's clear that he is going to be one of the city's top talents one day. Gifted with incredible athleticism, a smooth handle, and a decent looking jumper, Lecque has the tools to be a high-major guard. Throw in a high basketball IQ and the willingness to work, and it's not a stretch to say he could be special. 

On Sunday he played well, and while it's clear it's not Lecque's team this year, that only seems to be a matter of time as well. 

"I feel like I need to work on my ball-handling and sticking with my man more on defense" said Lecque of the next step in his development. 

Scanlan won 78-63 over Thurgood Marshall Academy, and the result was never really in question. With a young core in place, senior guard George Pena is counted on to lead, and it's clear that Lecque is trying to learn all he can from the All-City guard.

"George is a fantastic player, he's all-city, he's a 1,000 point scorer, and he's our captain, I just try to follow his lead because he's a great player," Leque said. 

Despite schools not being able to contact him directly quite yet, Lecque already has an offer on the table from San Jose State. VCU has been showing interest for a couple of months now, while Missouri just started to get involved.

A young member of the 2018 class, he has a ton of potential, and isn't done growing yet either. While he still has a ways to go as far as his development is concerned, he has a similar build and skillset as another NYC native did at the same stage of his career; Donovan Mitchell. Mitchell took over the national recruiting landscape the summer after his junior year, and with a little work, it wouldn't be surprising to see Lecque do the same. 


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