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Kwinton Hinson Erupting In His Sophomore Season
by Eric Hampford, Future150 (2:21 PM CT, Wed January 30, 2013)
2015 SF Kwinton Hinson can fill it up in bunches
2015 SF Kwinton Hinson can fill it up in bunches
Eric Hampford
Eric Hampford:

Future150 GM / Senior National Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

Fairmont, NC (Future150) -- Kwinton Hinson has managed to stay relatively under the radar as a basketball prospect so far in his high school career. 

After watching him dominate the Future150 Charlotte Camp this past fall, I was left wondering how a 6'4", 170-pound shooting guard with such amazing skills could be receiving such little college interest going into his sophomore year.

Once you dig a bit deeper into his start to high school, however, it's easy to understand why.

Kwinton began his high school career in Las Vegas as a freshman, splitting time between both Durango High School and Valley High School.

While it can be quite easy to be spotted in the bright lights of Sin City, it's considerably harder when you don't even suit up for either basketball team.

" I didn't play high school ball as a freshman. I spent a semester at each high school, then I moved back to North Carolina with my dad this past summer," he told Future150.

While there were certainly rumblings of Hinson's skill set out on the west coast, it was because of camps and AAU events he took part in during his time there.

Now that he is suiting up for his Fairmont High School team this season, he is more than making up for lost time.

To date, he is averaging 20.6 points, 11.rebounds, 1.5 blocks, and 1.5 assists per game, leading Fairmont to a 14-3 record.

Washington State, Clemson, Georgetown, and Wake Forest have all inquired about him to date, with many more schools sure to follow.

The LeBron James fan is ready to continue his strong play on the AAU circuit this spring and summer, but knows there is work to be done first.

"I just want to maintain what I am doing, and continuing to make my teammates better," he said.

If Kwinton Hinson ends up heading back to Las Vegas anytime soon, you can believe more west coast hoop fans will know exactly who he is now.


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