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Kendal Yancy-Harris Set to Decide at End of Month
by Garrett Tucker, Future150 (10:44 AM CT, Mon March 25, 2013)
Yancy-Harris will announce his decision very soon.
Yancy-Harris will announce his decision very soon.
Garrett Tucker
Garrett Tucker:

Future150 Southeast Analyst. Covering high school basketball across the Southeast.

Dallas, TX (Future150) -- Kendal Yancy-Harris is almost ready to make his college decision for the second time.

A one time USC-commit, Yancy-Harris was given his release from the Trojans following Kevin O'Neill's dismissal. Now it looks like he will play closer to home.

"Kendal is scheduled to visit Texas on March 28th. He will make his decision shortly after his visit," Yancy-Harris' father, Cardell Smith, told

He is considering Baylor and Missouri in addition to the Longhorns.

The 6-foot-4 combo guard is a four-star and is ranked No. 57 in the 2013 Future150 Rankings.


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