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Justise Winslow Decision: Our Analysts Weigh In...
by Eric Hampford, Future150 (1:33 PM CT, Wed November 20, 2013)
Justise Winslow will be making his college decision tomorrow
Justise Winslow will be making his college decision tomorrow
Eric Hampford
Eric Hampford:

Future150 GM / Senior National Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

Houston, TX (Future150) -- St. John's (TX) wing Justise Winslow will be making his college decision tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. EST at his school, according to his high school's athletic director. Over the past few days, there have been several rumors swirling about the 6-foot-5 small forward, with a lot of information to digest for anyone following the saga.

The schools still in the running for the prized wing include Arizona, Duke, Florida, Stanford, Texas A&M and UCLA.

UCLA staff was the only program on hand to watch him dismantle Houston Westside (TX) to the tune of 43 points and 18 rebounds last night. However, the Bruins remain a darkhorse to land his services.

 For some insight into the recruitment of Winslow, I decided to ask our analysts what they have been hearing over the past few days..

"This has been an interesting recruiting process for Winslow. At first, many thought UCLA would be a major contender due to Alford's friendship with Winslow's dad. Also, Winslow has family in Los Angeles. Arizona has done a great job the whole process, he has been on campus seven times, the most out of any school recruiting him. And then everyone has heard the "three-headed monster" rumors - Tyus Jones, Jahlil Okafor and Winslow all to Duke. Even Texas A&M has got him on Campus a few times. Stanford got the wildcard visit. I have to go with Duke on this one."

 - Adam Barnes (Midwest Analyst)

"While some have believed that the west coast schools took turns as front runners, I believe that it is and always has been Duke that piqued Winslow's interest the most. He has always wanted to join an elite recruiting class and play alongside some of the top members of 2014. Winslow admitted as much this August at Elite 24 when he said that he would like to play with Tyus Jones and Jahlil Okafor, or play with Stanley Johnson. Kevon Looney gave UCLA a chance to lure Justise, as did Reid Travis when he ended up at Stanford. At the end of the day it comes down to playing with the guys he had mentioned back at Elite 24.  I think turning down the opportunity to play with an elite level point guard like Tyus as well as an elite center in Jahlil is too much to turn down for Justise, depsite his close friendship with Stanley Johnson. Look for him to pick the Blue Devils." 

- Brian Flinn (National Analyst)

"I believe this decision has been between Arizona and Duke for quite awhile, and heading into today, both schools are still neck-and-neck. I have been told by my sources that Winslow and his family are split on both schools. He has an opportunity to complete a stellar class at Duke, but I believe he heads out West and teams up with Stanley Johnson. Winslow has always been fond of Arizona and the staff has done a great job recruiting him. If the decision is solely up to Winslow, I expect Arizona to have another nice perimeter defender to join Rondae Hollis-Jefferson. Winslow to Arizona."

- Garrett Tucker (National Analyst) 


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