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John Petty Proving Height Isn't His Only Strength
by Tyler Mounce, Future150 (3:09 PM CT, Mon October 22, 2012)
2017 SF John Petty proving he has tools to be elite player.
2017 SF John Petty proving he has tools to be elite player.
Tyler Mounce
Tyler Mounce:

Future150 Camp Reporter. Providing insight into Future150 Camp players.

Huntsville, AL (Future150) -- Most young kids in middle school have to find ways to stand out on the basketball court.

John Petty out of Huntsville, Alabama stands out amongst his teammates mainly because he stands at 6-foot-3, 165 pounds.

“I feel my height at my age is making me standout as a player on the floor,” Petty advised.  “I can over power and out rebound the smaller players on the floor.”

Petty is a Jr. Future150 Camp Alum, who really played well showing his all around game at our Nashville camp back in August.

When utilizing his height to his advantage he gets big time rebounds and gets off the floor good enough to block most of his opponent’s shots. 

Petty also has a good shooting ability and can handle the ball fairly well for his size.  During the camp Petty realized that he has a few things he would like to work on which will in return help raise his game to the next level. 

“My ability to drive through the lane needs to improve greatly,” Petty said.  “I got to learn to finish stronger at the rim; my height is not always going to be my advantage, especially when I get in high school.”

With the talents that Petty has showcased up to this point on the court, one particular college has shown some interest. 

“I have received interest from Auburn,” Petty provided.  “I have spoken with the coaches and I plan to visit their one day.”

“Although my current interest is in Auburn at this point, my dream school would have to be the University of Kentucky,” he claimed.  “UK has a good overall program and I would love to attend there one day.”

College is a ways away, so right now this Team Wigg product is just taking his time and working on improving his craft.

When asked who he compares himself to in NBA or college, Petty provided the following comment.

“I like to compare my basketball game to Kevin Durant,” Petty claimed.  “We have similar body frames, plus we can both shoot and put it on the floor.”

That is a bold claim, but in ways the comparison fits him quite well.  He knows that he will have to put in loads of hard work to reach that level of talent though.

If he can improve on his weaknesses plus continue expanding upon his current strengths, Petty will be a really good player to watch for many years to come.


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