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Harrison Twins to Kentucky: More Stars to Follow
by Eric Hampford, Future150 (6:37 PM CT, Thu October 4, 2012)
The Harrison Twins make Kentucky a contender again.
The Harrison Twins make Kentucky a contender again.
Eric Hampford
Eric Hampford:

Future150 GM / Senior National Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

Lexington, KY (Future150) -- Superstar twins Aaron and Andrew Harrison of Fort Bend Travis High School (TX) have officially ended their recruitment, and as expected by Future150 staff, they chose the Kentucky Wildcats.

Head coach John Calipari flexed his recruiting muscles once again on a national level, this time dipping into the Lone Star State. Now that the twins are on board, look for the Wildcats 2013 class to really get rolling.

For a long time now, Future150 has predicted that Kentucky's 2013 recruiting haul could be legendary, and with the commitments of our #2 and #7 ranked prospects nationally, it's looking like a monster recruiting class is indeed starting to form.

It is expected that Future150's #1 ranked player in the class of 2014, Andrew Wiggins, will reclassify to the current senior class very soon. We believe that once he does, he will end up committing to Kentucky as well.

We also strongly believe that top 10 talents Julius Randle and James Young will also eventually pledge to Big Blue Nation, and if all goes according to plan, Kentucky will have an unprecedented five top 10 players committed, along with Future150's #97 ranked prospect, Derek Willis

Many will say that it's a stretch to believe that even Coach Cal can pull off such a recruiting feat, but if he does, remember that Future150 saw it coming.



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