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Breaking Down Abdul Ado's Final Two VIP
by Brian Flinn, Future150 (9:55 AM CT, Mon November 16, 2015)
Abdul Ado will bring a shot blocking presence to MSU or PSU
Abdul Ado will bring a shot blocking presence to MSU or PSU
Brian Flinn
Brian Flinn:

Future150 National Recruiting Analyst. Covering high school basketball nationally.

Over the past two years, Abdul Ado has proven himself to be one of the best shot-blockers in the class of 2016. After a bit of a whirlwind recruitment that saw a number of high level programs get involved last summer, Ado is finally ready to make his decision. 

Mississippi State and Penn State are the two finalists. The programs are both on the rise and undoubtedly have great recruiting classes without Ado, but are hoping to close them out with the elite defensive big man. 

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