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AAU Showcases: Cormac Ryan's Stock Soaring VIP
by Eric Hampford, Future150 (9:45 PM CT, Mon July 25, 2016)
2018 G Cormac Ryan was dominant in 17U action in Orlando.
2018 G Cormac Ryan was dominant in 17U action in Orlando.
Eric Hampford
Eric Hampford:

Future150 GM / Senior National Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

The Middlesex Magic (MA) were the cinderella story of the AAU Super Showcases in Orlando, reeling off a 4OT win in the quarterfinals & an overtime victory in the semifinals to reach the 17U Silver Bracket Championship game. In the process, 2018 combo guard Cormac Ryan took his game to another level, making him arguably the hottest rising junior in the country. 

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