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2021 National Rankings Prospect Breakdowns (#70-#61) VIP
by Eric Hampford, Future150 (10:49 AM CT, Thu January 4, 2018)
Team Griffin (OK) wing Jaxson Robinson has serious upside!
Team Griffin (OK) wing Jaxson Robinson has serious upside!
Eric Hampford
Eric Hampford:

Future150 GM / Senior National Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

The upside factor for Ada (OK) wing Jaxson Robinson is enormous, and he should develop into a dominating prospect in the very near future. Today, we check in on #70-#61 in our national rankings for the 2021 class. Who else made the list? We check in on prospects from Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oklahoma & Texas. 

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