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Wendell Carter Talks Recruiting VIP
by Ethan Rosenberg, Future150 (5:50 PM CT, Thu March 5, 2015)
2017 PF Wendell Carter Jr. becoming a national name.
2017 PF Wendell Carter Jr. becoming a national name.
Ethan Rosenberg
Ethan Rosenberg:

Future150 Regional Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

ATLANTA, GA (Future150) -- Wendell Carter is a 6’10” power forward from Atlanta, GA.  As one of the best players in the country and he is appropriately ranked in the top 5 for the class of 2017.

The 6’10” power forward is a very good rebounder and has a huge physical presence in the paint on both ends of the court.  Because he is now growing into his body, he has become much better at moving in the post and facing up to his defender.

Carter has been putting up big numbers in his sophomore season.  The Pace Academy star is averaging around 20 points and 15 rebounds to go with his two blocks and three assists per game.


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