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2016 PG Damon Scott Making Noise in the Mountains
by Eric Hampford, Future150 (2:12 PM CT, Mon February 4, 2013)
2016 Damon Scott is a leader on the floor
2016 Damon Scott is a leader on the floor
Eric Hampford
Eric Hampford:

Future150 GM / Senior National Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

Asheville, NC (Future150) -- So far this basketball season, freshman point guard Damon Scott has been a model of consistency for his Asheville High School (NC) team.  Although the Cougars are only 9-8 so far this season, it's to no fault of the quick point guard. To date, he is averaging 5.5 points, 3.4 assists, 2.5 steals, and 2.5 rebounds per game.

After talking to Future150 about his season thus far, he had this to say.

"I just want to finish out this season scoring at least 120 points, handing out over 70 assists, and having at least 50 steals. I also want to lead my team to a state championship."

The 5'7" lead guard with impressive end-to-end speed and extremely fast hands models his game after Phoenix Suns point guard Kendall Marshall.

"I model my game after him because he's a floor general at the point guard position who sets up the offense and passes the ball extremely well."

The future for Damon looks extremely bright on the basketball court over the next four years for Asheville High, and it' something he credits his father for.

"My dad, Ron Scott, is hard working and pushes me every day to do my best and keep my grades right in school."

Look for him to continue to excel during AAU season when he suits up for his father's Asheville Clippers team.


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