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2015 Point Guard Reels in Stanford Offer
by Eric Hampford, Future150 (12:40 PM CT, Thu December 12, 2013)
Justin Jenifer is one of the top PG's in the 2015 class.
Justin Jenifer is one of the top PG's in the 2015 class.
Eric Hampford
Eric Hampford:

Future150 GM / Senior National Analyst. Covering high and middle school basketball.

Baltimore, MD (Future150) -- Justin Jenifer, the #60 overall prospect in the 2015 class, added another significant scholarship offer on Thursday, picking up an offer from the Stanford Cardinal.

That follows offers from Cincinnati, Georgetown, Memphis, Miami (FL), Rutgers & South Florida, along with interest from heavy hitters like Louisville, Syracuse, VCU, Clemson, Kansas State, Tennessee, Maryland and Virginia, among others.

It continues to be a big year for the Milford Mill (MD) guard, who is one of the strongest guards in the class. 

Future150 analyst Brian Flinn saw Jenifer at the DMVElite80 Showcase in September and had this to say about the talented guard.

"He was relentless in attacking the rim and showed off his shooting stroke as well. He is super quick in the open floor and looked to push the pace when given the chance. Jenifer might not have the best size for his position but there is no denying how efficient he is on the offensive end."

Look for the high IQ prospect to continue to attract high major offers over the winter.


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