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Timmy Walker

Asheville, NC - 2016

SchoolChrist School PositionShooting Guard Height6’0” Weight170 lbs. HometownAsheville, NC Class2016
Player Profile Report
Scouting Report
  • Strengths:

    Walker showed an ability to knock down and shots.  He plays hard and can lead the break.  Has a strong, compact frame

  • Weaknesses:

    He needs to develoop some point guard abilities

Complete Rankings:

  • This player is not currently ranked

Skills Review:

  • Shooting: Good
  • Dribbling: Good
  • Passing: Good
  • Rebounding: Average
  • Intangibles: Excellent
Similar Shooting Guards
  • This player is not currently ranked, so similar players aren't available.
Latest News on Timmy Walker
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