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Janai Raynor-Powell

Virginia Beach, VA - 2015

SchoolFloyd E. Kellem PositionPoint Guard Height5’10” Weight145 lbs. AAU TeamBWSL HometownVirginia Beach, VA Class2015
Player Profile Report
Scouting Report


Changing Pace
Making Correct Passes


3pt Shooting
Finishing Through Contact
High-Volume Scoring

  • Scout’s Notes:

    Future150 Birmingham Camp (September 27th-28th, 2014): One of the best point guards in the camp, Raynor-Powell looked to get his teammates involved before hunting his own shot. He is a tad undersized but has good speed and a high basketball IQ. He looks like he will be a solid point guard at the next level.

College Projection:

  • Division II

Complete Rankings:

  • This player is not currently ranked
Similar Point Guards
  • This player is not currently ranked, so similar players aren't available.
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